Reconciling ecology and economy in plant production
Due to the “greening” imposed by the Common Agricultural Policy, maize monoculture is no longer the norm in the South-West: different varieties of wheat, barley and sunflower give varied landscapes and the rapeseed fields currently in flower are brilliant.
The benefit of this cultural diversity is not only aesthetic, it is also agronomic: a diversified crop rotation enriches the potential of the soil. Especially if legumes are planted, such as beans, peas or lentils, organic crops that the LUR BERRI Cooperative is developing in the Toulouse region for its subsidiary LABEYRIE FINE FOODS.
For the cultivation of maize, as for other cereals, LUR BERRI develops Agro-Responsible solutions, which provide farmers with both a technical gain, compared to other products already on the market, and an environmental gain (saving one tractor pass, management of water reserves, etc.).
For contractual crop production, such as seed maize, biocontrol is developing and seed companies are practising mechanical weeding and using trichograms (predators of the corn borer) to avoid using insecticides. The LUR BERRI cooperative is a partner of AGO-RESEAU to continue to make progress in agronomy and agro-ecology. Following the experiments carried out successfully on the establishment of plant cover, the Cooperative grants financial assistance to producers to encourage them to set up plant cover that improves soil structure.
In green bean production, the LUR BERRI Producers’ Organisation is producing remarkable work. When the Cooperative’s technicians and producers work together, the work becomes more and more specialised: evolution of mechanical work, adaptation of manure, control of irrigation, management of disease risk, etc. Example: the use of a Decision Support Tool on sclerotinia, which makes it possible to avoid or limit the application of fungicide, while controlling the level of risk.
This permanent ecological challenge is demanding, but for the farmers and technicians of the Cooperative, it is also the interest of the profession!
Good breeding practices for tasty meats, under quality signs
Cattle (mainly Blonde d’Aquitaine), sheep and pigs raised in the open air live in the meadows; for ruminants, some farmers practice transhumance. The breeders of the LUR BERRI Cooperative, mostly small family farms, committed to excellence (red label, Bleu-Blanc-Coeur etc…) have understood the need to make their profession known to consumers. They therefore invite people to go to the farms to discover their breeding methods based on respect for animal welfare and the application of biosecurity rules. For ruminant and pig farmers, the strength of the LUR BERRI Cooperative lies in its close links with ARCADIE SUD-OUEST (of which LUR BERRI is the reference shareholder). In fact, it is a whole chain involved in the pursuit of maximum quality: from the farmer to the slaughterhouse, to butchers and restaurateurs. A great closeness has been established between farmers and butchers, who share a passion for good meat and who have got to know each other better through events such as the Garris Meat Festival, which brings together all the players in the sector every year. Farmers are well aware that butchers, who are familiar with their good farming practices and how their animals are fed, are their ambassadors to consumers; they also bring recipes, because although grilled meats are popular, the challenge is also to rediscover excellent cuts around forgotten recipes, such as a good stew!
The production of palmipeds is very important for the LUR BERRI Group and its subsidiary LABEYRIE.
Here again, this approach of excellence, certified CertiConfiance by an inspection body, guarantees consumers optimal duck rearing conditions, animal welfare and biosecurity at all stages of the chain. Major investments have been made at the duck farms, in truck washing stations and at Labeyrie: an exceptional foie gras requires an exceptional industry.
Training individuals in good practices
Through its fourteen stores under the Gamm VERT brand, the LUR BERRI Cooperative promotes reasoned cultivation practices, using natural products to harvest healthy fruit and vegetables in the garden. The LUR BERRI Gamm Vert advisers are committed to transferring their skills in the field of animal husbandry and gardening. The whole company is committed to this environmental approach.