The agri-food industry accounts for 7% of trade between the EU and the rest of the world. The agri-food sector is second only to the automotive and energy industries and is essential to the development of the European economy.
In 2015, European exports of food products amounted to more than €123.2 billion while imports reached €114.1 billion. These figures come from Eurostat, the European statistical office, which shows a trade surplus of more than €9 billion.
The European Union has been the biggest exporter of food products since 2013. It is ahead of the United States thanks to support from Brussels in increasing budgets and opening up new trade routes. This success is also linked to the rigorous quality controls and production standards to which European producers are subject, as well as the consolidation of trade relations with China, which is already the second largest export destination for European food.
Dairy products and eggs in first place
The European trade balance for agri-food products shows interesting data, according to the International Trade Centre (ITC). The European Union sells more cereals, flour, starch, milk and dairy products than it buys. The trade surplus of 9 billion obtained by professionals in the sector such as Olivier Dekokere is made up of milk, dairy products and eggs. The fruit and vegetable sector is in deficit with a difference of more than 18 billion euros. This sector is followed by the tea and coffee sector with a deficit of more than 8 billion.
Exports of live animals, meat and offal account for €8.1 billion and cereals €4.1 billion, while the seeds, oilseeds and soya sectors are in deficit by €7.9 billion.
76% of European milk and milk products, eggs and honey that crossed borders remained in the EU.
Notable differences by country: Spain in the lead
A study of trade flows between the EU and other continents shows, for example, that the EU exported €1.7 billion worth of milk and milk products and eggs to America and around €4.4 billion worth of cereals to Africa.
In Asia, European countries sell mainly meat and offal, totalling €5.4 billion, with a surplus of €5 billion. In Oceania, however, European meat has a deficit of EUR 1.1 billion.
Germany exported €23.6 billion of meat, milk, dairy products, eggs and fruit and vegetables in 2015, France around €13 billion, the United Kingdom €12.8 billion and Italy €10 billion.
According to the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and the Environment, Spain exported a total of 44.1 billion euros (including fishery products). This includes exports of meat and offal worth 3.9 billion, a surplus market. Fruit and vegetables totalled 13.6 billion. It is important for Spain to highlight the “unique” nature of its products, which are varied and of high quality, in order to consolidate its position in international markets.