As soon as your landlord notifies you of his decision to sell the property you are renting, he automatically has the right to show it to potential buyers. That said, the legislator has provided a framework for these visits, which must not take place under any conditions. The point on the subject with Directe Location, a direct rental agency located in Bordeaux and Talence.
Yes, the owner has the right to show the property…
If the owner of the property you are renting decides to resell it, he or she is entitled to make visits that will allow him or her to conclude the sale to people interested in the purchase. However, you must be notified in advance. Moreover, as a tenant, you can exercise your right of pre-emption, which gives you priority to acquire the dwelling if you wish to do so. That said, you should be aware that visits to the dwelling can take place even if this pre-emption period has not elapsed. In other words, as long as you have not given your answer, and as soon as the owner has notified you of his decision to sell the property, he is legitimately entitled to start organising visits.
…But not when he wants!
The landlord can organise visits to the property for sale, that is established. However, he must respect your privacy and tranquillity as long as you occupy the property. This implies, for example, that the visits take place during working days. Sundays and public holidays are therefore excluded, unlike Saturdays, when you will have to agree to receive visitors. Furthermore, the law does not set specific times for visits, so you will have to find a common ground directly with the owner.
While some tenants prefer that visits take place during the day when they are absent, others, on the contrary, will choose to be present during the visits. In either case, you will need to make arrangements with the landlord. However, under no circumstances can the landlord oblige you to make the visits in your absence. You have the right to refuse this request. In the same vein, you have the right to refuse time slots deemed indecent, such as very early in the morning or very late at night.
Update on the resale of the accommodation by the landlord
Generally speaking, the landlord can sell his home in two ways:
Resale of the empty accommodation without an associated rental contract: in this case, the owner-lessor gives you notice and you benefit from the legal notice period to organise your departure. This configuration is only possible if the landlord notifies you of his decision to resell at the end of the rental contract, i.e. 3 years for an empty dwelling and 1 year for a furnished dwelling. He must also respect a notice period of 6 months before the end of the empty rental lease, and 3 months in the case of a furnished rental ;
Resale with the associated rental lease: if the rental contract is still in force, the landlord cannot give the tenant notice. In other words, you are not obliged to leave the accommodation at the end of the sale. Moreover, your rental contract will continue under the same initial conditions, even if there is a change of owner.