HPS Environment: a company that acts in favour of energy transition

For several years now, there have been significant advances in more environmentally friendly energy consumption. In France, this approach has been accompanied by a law passed in 2015 on energy transition. Indeed, the main objective of the energy transition is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, while promoting the consumption of green and sustainable energy.

With this in mind, companies with expertise in energy or insulation installations are trying to provide support in order to offer more environmentally friendly energy solutions. This is notably the case of HPS Environnement, a French company that offers its services in thermal improvement and renovation. Through this article, we will illustrate the efforts made by HPS Environnement in order to be part of a sustainable energy transition.

What is HPS Environnement’s expertise?

HPS Environnement is a company with manufacturer-player status in the field of thermal improvement and renovation. More specifically, it works with private individuals on insulation, air treatment, heating and waterproofing. Historically based in Olonne-sur-Mer in the Vendée, the company has been developing its thermal expertise since 1979. Currently, HPS Environnement is able to intervene in a major part of western France thanks to teams of experts deployed throughout this area.

Interior insulation, an essential asset for sustainable thermal comfort

Among the various services offered by the company, insulation is an integral part of its areas of expertise. HPS Environnement operates at different levels in the field of insulation, by carrying out insulation of crawl spaces, floors and attics. It has been proven that nearly 30% of heat loss occurs through the roof and attic. The company therefore provides its expertise in attic insulation, thanks to its own insulation, manufactured at its production site located in the Vendée. This insulation, specific to the company, is called “GREYSNOW cellulose wadding”. It proves to be a very efficient and 100% ecological insulation. Indeed, it is made from ultra-compact recycled paper. This makes it possible to benefit from a high-performance insulation in summer and winter, even with a small thickness.

The installation of secure windows, an important factor in good insulation

Within its production site in the Vendée region of France, the company, which is an expert in thermal fittings, is also able to produce its own PVC or aluminium joinery and motorised closures. HPS Environnement offers a wide choice of openings, with different styles and available in many colours. It is true that the energy transition also concerns the replacement as much as possible of windows fitted with single glazing. Indeed, the installation of windows with double or even triple glazing can considerably reduce heating consumption in the home. Moreover, by accompanying the installation of openings with the installation of automated shutters, the safety factor is ensured. In addition to heating savings, well-insulated windows prevent the creation of mist and improve the well-being and safety of all residents.

The cleanliness of the exterior of the house, carried out with respect for the environment

The company is not only active in home insulation. It is true that it also acts on the external cleanliness of the dwellings, always operating with respect for the environment. Thus, it offers the possibility of cleaning roofs, floor coverings and façades with a biodegradable product. This cleaning product, called “Snow-Wash” was developed by the company in its factory. It is applied by being sprayed directly onto surfaces such as roofs. It effectively and durably eradicates all traces of mould and moss. Because of its environmental aspect, the Snow-Wash product has a neutral PH, not harmful to glass or aluminum.

What are the main objectives of the energy transition?

As we have just explained, the company HPS Environnement is a perfect example of a building company that acts in favour of the energy transition. But insulation and the installation of efficient openings are not the only measures that have been put in place to accelerate the energy transition.

Among the various objectives of the energy transition, voted in 2015, we find mainly the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030. An overall reduction in energy consumption of about 20% by the same year was also voted. In addition, the State wants renewable energies to be more widely used in the home.

What is the role of building companies?

The building sector is an essential part of the energy transition. This is why many companies are striving to offer services that are committed to this dynamic of renewable energy consumption. These services include the installation of heating systems and domestic hot water that consume less energy and are made from more environmentally friendly materials. But there are also many companies offering installations that enable the production of clean energy thanks to devices such as photovoltaic panels or geothermal systems.

Renovation, a fundamental aspect of the energy transition

Thanks to the services offered to individuals by construction companies, it is not just a question of installing clean devices for new homes. Indeed, it is essential to renovate the old dwellings. One of the State’s objectives is to have a housing stock that fully meets “low consumption” standards by 2050.

This objective, if achieved, would make it possible to considerably reduce the energy consumption of housing, while minimising energy-related bills. Fortunately, in order to encourage these numerous renovations, the State has set up numerous financial aids, as well as an RGE label for building companies.

The RGE label, a certification that encourages energy transition

This label is awarded to construction companies that are Recognized as Environmental Guarantors (RGE). This label groups together companies involved in the energy renovation of existing homes, but also companies capable of providing similar installations in new homes.

In the building sector, this label is a real guarantee of quality, which encourages a large number of companies to move towards greener energy consumption. This is notably the case for H.P.S. Environnement, which benefits from this label and strives to offer sustainable solutions to all its customers.

Financial aid helps to accelerate the energy transition

In order to encourage renovations and energy improvements, the State has, for several years now, set up numerous financial schemes. Here are the main possible financial aids, which can sometimes be combined with each other in order to achieve significant savings.

The energy transition tax credit

It is certainly the best known and also the most common help of the French. It mainly concerns insulation or heating work in the home. This tax credit makes it possible to reimburse up to 30% on average of expenses related to the purchase of equipment. In some cases, it even reimburses a portion of labour-related expenses.

– The zero-rate eco-loan (PTZ)

As the name suggests, this is a loan offered by traditional banks at a rate of 0%. The maximum amount you can benefit from is €30,000, provided, of course, that you carry out energy renovation work. This makes it possible to invest in your home at a lower cost and reduce energy bills in the long term.

– VAT at 5.5%.

When energy renovation work is carried out on an old house, it is possible to benefit from a reduction in VAT. If the material used meets the conditions of eligibility for the tax credit, building companies only charge 5.5% VAT on the products. This specific rate is only valid in the context of energy improvement or transformation works.

The energy bonus (energy saving boost)

This premium is able to cover part of the costs related to energy consumption within households. For example, this premium can finance the replacement of a boiler or roof insulation work. However, this premium is only valid for a limited period, i.e. until 31 December 2020. Moreover, it is only paid out if the work has been carried out by RGE professionals.

The “Habiter Mieux” aid developed by Anah

Also in the context of helping homeowners carry out energy-related work in their homes, Anah has set up an aid scheme called “Living Better”. According to HPS Environnement, the organization has divided its assistance into two parts: to live in better serenity and to live in better agility. On the one hand, living in greater serenity allows for support and financing related to energy work. The main conditions to benefit from this assistance concern the level of household income (generally modest, even very modest) but also the energy saving achieved thanks to the work, which must be at least 25%. On the other hand, the aid “living more agile” allows the financing of the insulation (walls or attic) or the replacement of the heating system. In all cases, the Anah’s premium is on average between 25 and 35% of the total amount of the work.

All in all, it can be said that there are many systems in place to make progress towards cleaner and more sustainable energy consumption. Whether in renovation or construction, building companies, such as HPS Environnement, are now part of an eco-responsible approach.

The far point of the energy transition of August 2015

Its full name: The Energy Transition Law for Green Growth. Its objective? To enable France to make an effective contribution to the fight against climate change and strengthen its energy independence, while working to guarantee access to energy at competitive costs. It is with this in mind that HPS Environnement fully supports the transition to the consumption of green and sustainable energy, instead of the fossil fuels that we continue to use massively today.

Promulgated on August 18, 2015, the law on energy transition has the primary objective of acting for the climate, more particularly in the field of housing and construction. By setting quantified objectives to implement the Paris Climate Agreement of 12 December 2015, the law aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the energy consumption of buildings by accelerating the energy renovation of housing. In addition, it aims to combat the energy insecurity of households by promoting the use of renewable energies and sustainable materials for construction.

One of the key measures of this law is to improve the energy and environmental performance of new buildings so that they comply with the so-called “low-energy building” (BBC) standards by 2050. To achieve this, the legislator gives the possibility of obtaining BEPOS (positive energy building) constructability bonuses. In addition, the law requires public buildings to set an example in terms of energy and environmental efficiency. Another measure to be highlighted is the obligation to increase thermal insulation in the event of major building renovation work. The aim of this measure is to take advantage of the opportunity of major works to reduce energy consumption and lower heating bills. In addition, it should be noted that this measure applies to housing, offices, educational buildings, commercial buildings and hotels.

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