With the advent of the Internet in most homes and the increase in its use in our way of consuming, we are digitizing our purchases and subscriptions to various services to the maximum. Moreover, this can play tricks on us because we lose a little bit the account of the sites on which we have subscribed to a product or a service.
Respect for privacy and confidentiality is not necessarily the priority of e-commerce sites. Bank statements often show the names of the links where the purchase was made. This is not necessarily information that you wish to disclose. EASYPAYWEB has therefore developed a system that shows the notion “cbeasypayweb” instead of the names of the sites that go through its online payment platform. But what are the steps to be taken when one wants to stop a direct debit for which EASYPAYWEB is in charge?
Why “CBEASYPAYWEB” on your statement?
It is perhaps probable that one day you will see the name “cbeasypayweb” on your bank statement. No need to worry about that. If this name appears on one of the transactions in your account, it means that the website on which you made a purchase is safe and secure. It has used one of the leading secure online payment platforms, created in 2001. This company specialising in the management of banking transactions and security on the Internet has developed a system that guarantees both the protection of personal data and complete discretion.
Indeed, the fact of displaying the name of the company and not that of the merchant or service site allows the platform to guarantee you the respect of neutrality and confidentiality. This is one of the many advantages which is the respect of your private life which very often is not taken into account by e-commerce sites. You do not need to register or subscribe to any form that may subsequently hold your personal data. All this is managed automatically by the EASYPAYWEB system as soon as you have validated your purchase on the partner site. Nothing very complicated, everything has been simplified and predefined in order to allow you a fast use and a fast catch in hand. But how to stop or stop sampling? Two solutions are available to you.
The two main ways to stop a sampling on EASYPAYWEB
Before taking any administrative steps to stop a withdrawal, you must first identify the sites that charge you a monthly or annual fee and target the amount of the withdrawal. To have all this information, no worries, you just have to go to the official website of the secure payment platform, register with an email and enter your bank details to access the history of your withdrawals. Thus you will be able to note in all clarity the data necessary to stop the whereabouts of the transactions in progress.
The first solution available to you is to directly contact the site on which you made the payment or set up the direct debit. You will then be able to make a cancellation request to this site, provided of course that you meet all the required conditions. This is an important point because many Internet users do not take the time before subscribing to a subscription to look at the cancellation conditions of this subscription. There may subsequently be some surprises and disappointments. Then, the merchant site will forward this request to the EASYPAYWEB platform with all the necessary information to start the unsubscription process. Nothing too complicated or too long.
The second solution is to contact directly the EASYPAYWEB customer service. Our call platform is based in France and is therefore perfectly reactive and competent to respond as quickly as possible to customer requests. The response time for an email is less than 24 hours. This second option is possible if you have forgotten the email or the password with which you validated the setting up of the withdrawal on the merchant site. All you need to do is provide your bank details and register them on their website. This will allow you to authorise the platform to stop the direct debit.
None of the data that you fill in on EASYPAYWEB is kept for the purpose of being used to find out your consumption habits or to be resold to third party companies that could then use it to offer you products. The respect of intimacy and privacy is one of the keys to the success of the platform.
More and more, Internet users need to be reassured before buying online. EASYPAYWEB has always known how to evolve and renew itself since its creation in 2001 in order to always respect and be a force of response to the expectations of new consumers.