The style of industrial decoration is a mix of art, modernity, but also vintage. Directly inspired by the industrial era, this decoration has seduced many people. Today, it is one of the major trends.
The industrial style was discovered in the fifties, at the time it was reserved for artists only. Today, it has more and more followers, especially those who wish to create a contemporary interior decoration. This style links the aesthetic aspect to the functional and practical aspects which are the main qualities one looks for in an apartment. In this article, Comforium teaches us the right tricks to achieve a chic and modern decoration.
Colours and materials
In the past, industrial decoration was mainly found in large apartments. Today, it can be created at home, even if it is a small studio. You just have to make the most of the space and know how to play with accessories, furniture and materials.
For this type of interior design to be successful, it is important to use certain shades of colour as well as certain types of materials.
Since the choice of colours plays an essential role in the success of the industrial style, Comforium recommends opting for light colours such as grey, white or beige. You can even opt for darker colours such as black, red and brown to add an original touch. You can even introduce bright colours such as yellow or orange to warm up the atmosphere.
Apart from colours, the materials used are also of great importance in the realization of the decoration, several materials can be used. It is therefore possible to use wood, steel, aluminium, copper, plastic, leather, brick or glass. The aim is to bring out a raw atmosphere.
Comforium’s advice is to fuse wood with leather, for an original look, because the fusion of these two materials makes the room appear larger. This effect is also given by the light and warm colours.
Furniture and accessories
When it comes to industrial style, the golden rule is the fusion of materials. Therefore, the furniture chosen must be made of wood, metal, or other materials. When you take a look at industrial shows, you often see leather club chairs and coffee tables on casters or metal chairs. Most of them are furniture with strong, clean lines, designed to last.
Industrial-style accessories are often vintage, such as large metal clocks, an old typewriter, metal objects, etc.
Light is also essential. In industrial style, several options are available: industrial-style lamps, suspended light bulbs or ceiling spots. In this type of decoration, glass walls are often used to separate rooms and to let the light through.