How do you prepare your child for their first day at primary school?

Entering school is an important step in the development of every child. Giving children the best possible start in school is the responsibility of parents and can even have an impact on their entire education. There are some things that all parents can do to ensure that their children are ready for this new experience. We’ll let you discover them with the CNEEL.

Prepare your child developmentally ready

One of the main goals of a child’s first year at school is to help him or her develop independence, both academically and personally. It is very important for children to be able to move from dependence on their parents to a degree of independence. While teachers and school staff will help your child become independent in his or her learning, you too, as parents, need to support your child to develop independence before he or she starts school.

Prepare your child to learn

For most children, the first year of school is learning through play. Therefore, they are not expected to take part in formal lessons. Children’s academic development is supported by their personal and social development, communication, language and physical development. But if your child attended kindergarten before entering school, he or she may have developed some social skills and may even have friends in the class who will start school with him or her, which can be great!

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