GROUP’Enr is a company specialising in the field of green energy, it installs energy systems using renewable energy sources in private homes, including photovoltaic panels. This technology is rather well received, has a good image and knows little resistance to its implementation, unlike wind energy. However, it is sometimes subjected to unfounded criticism.
The lifespan of solar panels
A common misconception is that photovoltaic panels have a lifespan of 20 years. This received idea comes from the fact that manufacturers guarantee the power of the panels over a period of 20 to 25 years. However, measurements on ageing panels show that power losses are negligible. Thus, it is conceivable that the panels could produce over 30 or even 40 years with a power close to that of the original.
The use of rare materials would condemn solar energy to a decline.
The manufacture of thin-film photovoltaic panels requires the use of rare earths, which will soon be in short supply. Rare earths refer to 17 metals that are used in the manufacture of high-tech products. Nevertheless, there are two categories of panels: those using crystalline technology (monocrystalline, polycrystalline or amorphous silicon), which are by far the most used today (more than 90% by 2014), and “thin film” technologies, using thin film material complexes.
The raw material for crystalline technologies is silicon, which is the second most abundant material on Earth. The other components are aluminium (for the frame), copper (cables) and silver (solders). Apart from the latter two, no other rare metals are used. It would therefore probably be possible to replace them with other materials.
GROUP’Enr only uses quality materials for its solar panels. Thus, their customers do not have to ask themselves questions and can benefit from the best possible quality. The installation and fitting of the panels is also subject to strict rules. Carried out by the company’s professionals, it is fully guaranteed and complies with the requirements of the sector.
Solar panels that are not very ecological because of their carbon weight
Another common misconception is that the production of photovoltaic panels and the carbon they emit would completely cancel out their interest in the fight against global warming.
The sun’s rays are entirely decarbonated, but this is not the case for the production of the panels. Indeed, they are produced in China and the Chinese electricity used to make the panels is produced with a lot of coal. But according to ADEME (Agency for Environment and Energy Management), the emission factor of the photovoltaic kWh is 55 grams of CO2 per kWh, roughly 8 times less than gas and 10 times less than the world average for electricity. Moreover, it has been established that all means of energy production with a carbon content of less than 100 grams of CO2 per kWh is indeed a tool to fight against global warming.
Preconceived ideas about photovoltaic panels are therefore unfounded and this energy system remains a major advantage in the fight against global warming. Individuals who wish to install them on their home should just make sure to call on a company that is an expert in the installation of solar panels, such as GROUP’Enr.
It is even important to add that solar panels can completely constitute a viable alternative to traditional electricity production. They are increasingly popular with individuals who want to limit the impact of their home on the environment. It is important to reduce as much as possible the greenhouse gas emissions that we release into the atmosphere because the consequences on the environment will be dramatic for our modern societies.
Generally speaking, the temperature differences between seasons and continents will be less marked, the quality of fresh water could be altered, glaciers, which are currently melting, should all disappear within 50 to 100 years, leading to a rise in water levels. After that, animal species will have to migrate to all continents. All these changes will bring about changes to the economy and to our society. For example, all socio-economic systems will have to adapt to new climatic conditions (health care systems, changes in lifestyles, agriculture, etc.). Finally, rising water levels caused by global warming will force tens of millions of people to migrate: according to one study just over 143 million people may be forced to move within their own countries to escape the slowly changing effects of climate change.
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