Search engine algorithms are equipped with a very powerful artificial intelligence. Web giants take years of research to deliver the best possible user experience. Google, which currently dominates web searches, wants to maintain its leadership position at all costs and to do so it must never disappoint those who trust it. Moreover, content creators, in order to work correctly on their natural referencing, cannot ignore this reality. On the other hand, sites that have bet everything on purely mathematical optimization techniques will be penalized. Nova SEO gives us advices to optimize the content in order to appear on the first page of Google and especially to be able to stay there for a long time.
The verdict of the users
In order to please the Internet user, Google wants to propose relevant sites on its first page of results. To evaluate the relevance of the positioning of a site, the search engine analyzes the CTR (click rate on a query). To give a concrete example, imagine that Google decides to position the article of a site or blog in the top 3 of its results on the query “how to quit smoking”. Indeed, the article in question remains several days in the top 3. But after analysis, Google’s algorithm notices that a minority of Internet users click on it. The articles positioned in fourth and fifth positions are more successful.
The power of titles
In order to increase the click rate, Nova SEO recommends content creators to put imperatively strong and optimized titles to respond specifically to a key request. Then write a meta description that makes the user want to click and read your content. Because the more clicks you get, the more chances your website will keep its leading position in the first page of Google results.
Voice search
Another element to consider in the 2020 trends is voice search. This is becoming more and more important in the queries of Internet users. It is imperative that site owners take voice search seriously. Nova SEO’s advice is to put titles as in spoken language and answer very clearly the questions you ask in your titles so that Google’s algorithm does not drown in complex explanations. For example, if your article is titled “how to cure the flu” then start your text with an answer to the question like “to cure the flu, that’s it”.
The 0 position
Nova SEO tells us about another very relevant aspect to work on, namely position 0, the one before the first position. It is the consecration for any site creator to have an article positioned in “featured snippet” or position 0.
Finally, know that Google is able to determine the density of primary and secondary keywords. If for example you have to write an article on “the dangers of tobacco” in this case you will have to work on both the lexical field of tobacco and danger. It is best to bring the ideas as close together as possible.