ACE Environnement, a company specialising in renewable energies

agence consommations énergétiques

The exploitation of fossil resources is one of the main causes of climate change. With the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and limiting the intensification of weather phenomena, many countries have started the transition to a new mode of energy production and consumption based on RE. ACE Environnement, a company actively contributing to the energy transition of French households, provides its customers with a wide range of ecological solutions for electricity and heat production.

Energy balance: the first step in any project

Managed by specialists in new energies for more than 20 years, ACE Environnement works with its customers in compliance with regulatory requirements.

For each project, the company’s team carries out an energy assessment before proceeding with the implementation of the worksite. The main purpose of this diagnosis is to evaluate the energy performance of a property and its impact on the environment. The latter is recommended by the European energy policy which aims to reduce energy consumption and can only be carried out by recognised professionals.

After the energy assessment, the agency’s technicians use the information gathered to draw up recommendations and determine precisely which improvements can be applied to the building to reduce its energy needs.

The solutions proposed by the agency

Depending on the condition of the building, ACE Environnement can advise on thermal insulation reinforcement work. The company generally focuses its operations on the roof. Indeed, this area is responsible for more than 15% of heat loss and must therefore be given special attention.

In terms of green energy production solutions, technicians can recommend various equipment such as photovoltaic panels, solar water heaters, heat pumps or condensing boilers.

Photovoltaic panels allow sunlight to be converted into electrical voltage. They are one of the most suitable solutions for projects that aim to initiate a process of energy independence.

However, solar energy is intermittent and it is essential to couple equipment with storage systems that are efficient enough to meet most, if not all, of a household’s energy needs. In many cases, it is essential to install energy management devices.

A heat pump can be used as a heating and domestic hot water appliance. It uses the calories present in the air, in the ground or in water (groundwater, etc.), and then releases them into a dwelling or a hot water tank.

ACE Environnement is RGE certified. Its interventions can therefore be eligible for aid such as the CITE (Energy Transition Tax Credit) or the Anah bonuses.

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