A sustainable house, what is it?

Panneaux photovoltaique sur maison

If you were told sustainable house, what would you think about? A house built with high quality materials that will never wear out over time or a 100% economical house?

Well, the sustainable house is the one that contributes to the protection of the environment. It is made of materials and installations that produce as little waste as possible while reducing its energy needs and related losses. When we know that heating accounts for nearly 60 to 75% of household energy expenditure and produces greenhouse gases, there is no need to question its impact on global warming.

Protecting the environment by buying ecological heating systems from SOFATH

SOFATH has been the leader in household heating in France for more than 30 years. The company offers you the possibility to opt for a heating system based on natural resources such as soil and air. Through heat pumps, the system captures the calories contained in the air (aerothermal) or in the ground (geothermal) and converts it into heat to warm the house.

By browsing the SOFATH website, you will discover the many heating solutions available to you. Whether it is the PAC Air / Water (Lizea lv), PAC Water / Water (Termeo), PAC Ground / Water (Caliane) or PAC Ground / Ground (Natea) offers for heat pumps or the choice between a standard thermodynamic or VMC water heater; there is no lack of possibilities. The SOFATH team will determine the type of heating adapted to your home and its environment after carrying out studies.

At SOFATH, quality is assured at all levels

Created since 1981, the company is recognized for the quality of its products and the quality of its dealers-installers. Its production unit and its products are NF PAC certified by Eurovent CERTITA Certifications, which attests that the heat pumps comply with current French, European and international standards and meet the minimum performances set by the members of the NF PAC Mark Committee. At SOFATH, all technicians are recognised as Environmental Guarantors thanks to QUALI PAC certification. The approved training centre at SOFATH’s production site also enables them to always be in compliance with the law in force.

Much more than an expense, it is a real investment.

By opting for a SOFATH heating solution, you will make significant savings. You will have the opportunity to benefit from significant assistance in the form of a sustainable development tax credit. This tax saving is attributed, for example, to individuals whose houses are more than two years old and are equipped with heat pumps by installers who have been awarded the RGE (Recognised Environmental Guarantor) label.

In addition, SOFATH thermal collectors have an estimated lifespan of several hundred years. You will no longer need technicians to solve any breakdowns whatsoever as long as the guarantee of the installations is guaranteed. Nevertheless, you can call upon a SOFATH dealer at any time for any information after the installation of the system. Once a year, however, you will receive a visit from a technician for after-sales follow-up. What a pleasure !

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